Monday, April 16, 2012

The Tell

I'd been obsessing about how this would all go for some time.  How the people at work would react as I told them I'd be moving back to Boston.  And of course, it all went as fine as it could have, but truth is, life will go on without me, whether I like it or not.  It's just how the world works.  And of course my name will be uttered here and there, some positive, some negative, but its mention will fade more and more as time goes by, until suddenly I'm "that girl" or "that one who took off to Boston."  It was a tough decision to move back, one my husband probably could have done without, but I know deep inside he's happy that we made it.  But from the moment I moved here almost eight years ago, it always just felt like I was preparing to live.  And I refuse to feel that way anymore.  So here's to change. And lots of it.


  1. Can't wait to have you both back :)

  2. Welcome home honey. Start living now, not another 10 years from now.

  3. I hope your move back to Boston goes smoothly. I will be sending lots of good energy your way :)

